May, 2016 I ran my first Wings in honor of my brother Rohan Griffiths, Who was suffering for a spinal cord injury. Rohan was crippled from his waist down. My Brother Rohan was so excited because while I was running, I was stopped by ABC News NY and they wanted to know why I’m running which was so profound. I told them about Rohan who saw the interview, he was so excited. Rohan pass on October 5, 2016 from complications (blood clot). So when the Corvid-19 Virus threatened our way of life and took so many life’s, I wasn’t sure I and others would be able to run, I was registered and was ready to donate my run.
I’m so happy we will be able to continue running for those who can’t and to raise money for this worthy cause, Remember all Entry fees and money raised goes directly to vital spinal cord research projects.
I will continue to run in honor of my baby brother Rohan Michael Griffiths. ❤️