Aaron Baker: Learning to walk again each day

Aaron Baker, former professional motocross racer from Valencia in California (USA), was left paralyzed following a training accident on May 26, 1999. He couldn't move from the neck down. His doctors gave him a one in a million chance of ever being able to feed himself again, “You will always have to rely on help from others”. A sentence that was just devastating for a free-spirited person like Aaron.
Aaron’s irrepressible will and the support of his family made it possible for him to eat unaided and do much more. He can walk a few steps again. However, his body's condition means he has to learn this new each day.
When Wings for Life was founded in 2004, Aaron's life was fundamentally changed again. Suddenly people were interested. The awareness work around spinal cord injuries, large-scale research projects started. Aaron started to feel hope. Could a cure actually be found for spinal cord injuries?
Aaron is sure that his fate has befallen him because he is destined for something bigger. He wants to help people with spinal cord injuries to embrace their new lives and look positively into the future. Giving them strength and inspiration. This is just another reason why the Wings for Life World Run is an important event for Aaron every year. Running for those who can’t: Aaron and his wife Katelyn have been at the start every year since 2014. Sometimes he participates in his wheelchair. Sometimes he takes a few steps if his condition allows.
And as for running in the future – no matter when it may happen – he has a very big vision.
We want to find a cure for spinal cord injuries. For Aaron and for all the others who have the big dream and hope of running again sometime in the future. Do your bit for a good cause and be at the start on May 7, 2023 for the Wings for Life World Run. 100% of your entry fee goes to spinal cord research. Together for the same goal!
You want to run with us? Join us here.
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